These are all the projects that I have done during my uni days.

Simply Python project
This is a python application that allows users to input a data set and displays those data in different selections. Error handling is also included in this application.

Rock paper scissor online game
This is a simple rock paper scissor game against the computer created with HTML code, CSS, and JavaScript.

Retail and supply communicate system
This is a system that helps to communicate between retailers and suppliers with the system, retailers can directly order items from suppliers. The amount will be updated on a database.

AWS Server set up
By using AWS server, I and my groupmate has successfully created our own cloud services and use the above server for data analysis with jupyter hub, apache superset.

Electric Vehicle website
This is a project provided different information for electric vehicle user in Hong Kong. With the database used in the project, the website could display different charging stations with a search function created by JavaScript.

Data analytic
With AWS cloud services, I've learned to use different tools for data analysis. In this case, apache superset was used to create a Sankey diagram, which is a flow diagram to display the overview of data.